The Roadway Design Program is based on research related to roadway design and how it affects operations and safety. Focus areas include design elements of roadways and intersections, pedestrian accessibility, safety treatments and countermeasures on highways and urban streets, signing and markings, and operational effects of geometric design. Research results from the Roadway Design Program are often implemented through revisions or additions to such documents as the Texas Roadway Design Manual, the AASHTO Green Book, and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Researchers in the Roadway Design program at TTI have expertise in the following areas:
- Geometric design,
- Traffic operations,
- Traffic safety,
- Speed data,
- Video,
- Traffic classifier data collection,
- Pedestrian safety, and,
- Data management.
For More Information
Kay Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., PETexas A&M Transportation Institute
Texas A&M University System
TTI Headquarters
1111 RELLIS Parkway
Bryan, TX 77807
(979) 317-2181 x42181
[email protected]